As professionals, it isn't unusual to discuss one's formative years with new acquaintances. One of the benefits of travel and exposure to other cultures is the ability to connect with people from different cultures or discuss shared experiences. These experiences clue us into other's beliefs, backgrounds, and customs. Each of these points makes for better business and personal relationships.

A 2014 survey regarding business needs found that nearly “40% of companies surveyed missed international business opportunities because of a lack of internationally competent personnel.” Given the globalized market, the results of this study call for international business education among US students. This requires an emphasis on:

  • Intercultural communication
  • Foreign language skills
  • International experience

The good news is that each of the points mentioned above is touched upon in study abroad experiences. As the saying goes, some things can’t be taught (in a classroom), they must be experienced. At times, in another country, from far your local Applebee’s.

Everyone needs to learn that there are different ways to do things than the way they know. Let's give students that opportunity.

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